¡Becas para los alumnos de 16 a 18 años para una estancia en EEUU!

January 23, 2014 at 9:13 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Nos han comentado muchos alumnos que pasar una temporada en el extranjero entra en sus planes de futuro.

¿Por qué no ir a EE.UU. este verano…GRATIS?

Nos complace informarles sobre las Becas Benjamin Franklin ofrecidas por la Embajada de Estados Unidos para una estancia de un mes en verano en EE.UU. para conocer la cultura estadounidense junto a jóvenes norteamericanos y de otras nacionalidades.

En una de las convocatorias anteriores una alumna del programa de Young Learners del IIE fue seleccionada para esta beca. Esperamos en esta ocasión tener la misma suerte.

Toda la información sobre la convocatoria la encontrarán  en este enlace o aquí:

Benjamin Franklin 2014Beca

YL1 Celebrates Halloween

January 8, 2014 at 2:33 pm | Posted in Holidays, Young Learners 1 | Leave a comment

The Young Learners 1 group celebrated Halloween by making pumpkins and ghosts. They also practiced the famous phrase ‘Trick or Treat’ with each other. We also made skeletons, the following week, in order to talk about the parts of the body. Great work, kids!


Learning Scary Vocabulary

January 8, 2014 at 2:24 pm | Posted in Holidays, Young Learners 2 | Leave a comment
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Our YL2 class celebrated Halloween by learning all about Halloween house decorations in the United States. We viewed several images of the scariest Halloween house decorations. We learned several new vocabulary words. The students then took large pieces of drawing paper and, with partners, drew their own houses and decorated them to make them the scariest. They labeled the house decorations with the vocabulary they learned in class. The students then presented their drawings to the rest of the group and explained their decorations, providing another opportunity for them to use the new vocabulary.


Presentation1 Halloween Words

The students also read a play about bones and body parts.  They split into two groups and rehearsed the play, coming up with their own ideas on how to act it out. I was very impressed with the actions they added to the play and their teamwork. Below are some pictures of the kids reading their play.

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YL2 Celebrates Fall

January 2, 2014 at 3:30 pm | Posted in Uncategorized, Young Learners 2 | Leave a comment
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The Fall is a special time that is full of color and new fruits. The kids in our YL2 class studied about Fall and learned lots of new vocabulary. Students recalled their new vocabulary and helped build their fluency by playing a hot potato game. The students stood in a circle and tossed the “hot potato”, a small ball, taking turns saying a vocabulary word within three seconds. If a player stalled or took longer than three seconds, the player had to leave the circle. Students not only had fun, but were able to recall their new words quickly.

We also learned about apples from seed to ripeness. Students learned the process as well as all the vocabulary that is related to an apple’s lifecycle. Once the unit on apples was finished, each student chose a favorite fruit and learned how to use adjectives to describe the fruit.

Students also used their creativity to make crafts for the season. Here they are in a photo with their apple crafts.

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During our recess some students decided to create a collage on our garden tables with leaves that they picked from the garden. As you can see they are very creative.

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KC In Love with Matilda

January 2, 2014 at 3:28 pm | Posted in Kids Club | Leave a comment
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The Kids Club this Fall trimester focused on the book Matilda by Roald Dahl.  Dahl is best known for his book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, which has had two movie versions made.   Matilda has also been made into a great movie. I was pleasantly surprised at how much the kids enjoyed reading the book.  We read it together as a class, taking time to go over new vocabulary. The kids loved answering each other’s vocabulary questions. We also took time to do reader’s responses, and the students used their artistic skills to draw their versions of an illustration to a chapter.  We didn’t get a chance to complete the whole book, but read enough so that all the students were enthusiastic enough to read it on their own.

Here are some more books by Roald Dahl that your kids might enjoy: Fantastic Mr. FoxJames and the Giant Peach, and The BFG.  The children might also enjoy the official Dahl website, which has more information on his books and even some games that are related to his works.

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